Black Ops 1 Turned on Rage Quit Funny
- The Impossible Game Level Pack also gives birth to one of Michael's most famous lines.
Michael: Swiss FUCKING CHEESE!
Michael: What the fuck are you laughing at, Gavin? Edit the fucking video!
- Apparently, Gavin did actually edit the video, like Michael told him to, so we never heard him laughing.
- Michael describing the annoying strategy the T-rex has.
Michael: *in a really nerdy voice* NYEH! Get up. NYEH! Get up. NYEH! Get up. NYEH! I'm gonna eat you now.
Michael: All right, Duke. Put the fuckin' thing in the hole, just like we learned in health class. From, like, the only hot teacher in the school. Except for the gym teacher, who had a very handsome mustache.
Michael: Fucking beautiful. What the fuck is she doing?
Michael: (trying unsuccessfully to somersault under some pipes) Look at her. Look at her slide. Look at her slide under the pipes like a fucking ninja, she is!
(Jump cut to her holding onto the edge of a structure, but not climbing up)
Michael: [Beat] ...GO UP!!!!
Michael: Is there a fucking access ladder I can use somewhere? An emergency stairwell? A fucking elevator? A helicopter? A BAT JET?! HOW THE FUCK DO I GET UP THERE?!
Michael: [later in the video] Give me a fucking trampoline! A fucking bouncy castle, for fuck's sake!
- And the little gem when Michael rage quits it, and the game's still running.
Gavin: Try the other side—
Michael: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
- Gavin's constant failing at the controls, throwing surgical tools and body parts alike off the table, or into the patient's chest cavity.
- Michael and Gavin make the hand flip off the patient. Gavin then confuses the term "flipping the bird" with "flicking the bean".
- Gavin is holding a cloth, and throws it across a table, where it lands nearly offscreen. The only problem: in the process, he swept the cloth across the heart on the table.
Michael: WHERE'S THE FUCKING HEART?! You th— It's gone!
Gavin: It's like a magic trick!
Michael: Well, it's on the fucking floor now. I don't think the five-second rule applies.
- When he does manage to successfully grab a tool, he tends to overuse it, with deadly results.
Gavin: Got it (a hammer)! (drags the hammer across the patient's face, causing blood loss) AAH!! AAH!!
Michael: Oh, you hit him in the face! Gavin! You just fuckin'... cracked his brain! He needs brain surgery now, dude.
Gavin: ...Hold on, okay, we got it. (completely destroys the patient's chest cavity with the hammer, causing massive blood loss and death) OHHHHH!!!
Michael: JESUS CHRIST, MAN! What are you doing?
Gavin: We've lost a lung!
Michael: We've lost everything!
- Sometimes he grabs something else. For instance, when Gavin grabbed a clipboard instead of a tool:
Michael: You gonna write him a note!? "I owe you one new heart."
- Or he misuses the tool entirely:
Gavin: (holding a bone saw) All right, there wa... get the... (accidentally kills patient)
Michael: Did you just stab them in the face?
Gavin: (laughing hysterically) I think I slit his throat by accident! I severed the... I went straight for the jugular!
Michael: You're like the fucking Angel of Death!
- And finally, at the very end, Michael and Gavin have been careful in trying to do everything right, but the patient is losing blood quickly. Gavin carefully grabs the replacement heart... and flings it across the room, offscreen.
Michael: Okay, don't... okay, go over it... lower your hand...
Gavin: Yep, have we got it? All right.
Michael: You got the heart... (Gavin flings the heart offscreen)
Gavin: NO! OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Michael: GAVIN ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?! Are you fucking kidding me?
Gavin: Oh, where did it go? Where'd it go?
Michael: Jab with the right and hook with the left, you idiot! [game crashes] Y— WHAT?! ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! I just cannot, er, abh, I just fucking contacted the creator right now, it's a piece of shit and... fuck you. I couldn't even fucking quit this. The fucking game QUIT ME! I GOT CODE 4'D! WHAT THE FUCK IS A CODE 4?!
- Him messing with the initial options.
Michael: [fiddles with the volume knob] Got the music volume here. Gonna blast this fucking shit up like Skrillex! WUB-WUB-WUB-WUB-WUB-WUB-WUUUUB!
- The ending:
Michael: Mark me as "MIA" because I went out to fly a plane and I never came back because I got stuck on A PIECE OF FUCKING WOOD!
Gavin: Instead of walking, I'm gonna be a wheel, look at this. [Gavin moves his control stick in circles, causing his character to twirl his arms around in circles while making whooshing noises]
- And another part where they had to ride on top of giant ants or whatever to get down a shaft.
Gavin: Michael, Michael, I'm scared of the bugs. I'm scared of the bugs... [Jump cut to Gavin on top of the ants] I'm gonna do what's called a—
Michael: Hurry the fuck up and get down here, that's what it's called! Let's go!
Gavin: Can I crouch?
Michael: Yes, press down. [Gavin falls down the shaft and under Michael's character]
Gavin: Oh!
Michael: [Crouching against Gavin's face] Look, that's how you crouch. I'm gonna fucking stuff my nuts in your mouth.
- And when they meet the gun salesman.
Michael: He looks like James Earl Jones.
Gavin: Like Randy Newman's brother...
- During that time, they buy new ammunition and comment on how there's only one money account, wondering why they both can't have their own, leading to this little gem:
- After getting some new guns and killing some monsters, they go back to the gun salesman, and Michael complains about Gavin buying too many air buffers.
Michael: Can we just rob this motherfucker?
Gavin: Oh, it's $50! I'm gonna buy another air buffer!
Michael: We don't need another air buffer!
Gavin: We need air buffers. We're gonna have buff—
Michael: We have three buffs now. You're gonna fucking buff me after this video!
Gavin: [Laughs]
- And during the boss fight, a giant beetle, they both get killed by it due to the bullets bouncing off its shell. They later figure out that when it flaps its wings, it exposes soft flesh under the wings. Michael promptly tells Gavin where to shoot.
Michael: You have to shoot it in the asshole, where's your fucking stupid heart?! [Gavin gets killed and switch to loading screen]
Gavin: [As he shoots at the Beetle's weak point] I'm shooting his bum!
- Later, Michael dies against it, and Gavin manages to kill it by himself, which would be pretty awesome if not for what happens next.
Michael: [Gavin, with only a sliver of health left, kills the boss] Fucking finally, Jesus fucking Christ— [Gavin walks into one of the [[Mooks]] that the boss was spawning and dies] GOD DAMN IT, GAVIN!!! You killed him, and then fucking died from a monkey!!
Gavin: Where were you?!
Michael: I was dead for like four minutes! You never picked me up!
- Gavin and Michael discovering the wonder of the surgical laser. Every time they grab it, they tend to do more damage than they need and let the laser go flailing afterwards.
Michael: What is this? We just yanked something!
Gavin: Bloody laser cutter!
- Anytime they accidentally get themselves high.
- The first time they accidentally stab themselves with the needle, Gavin immediately starts scrambling for the bottle on the table, hysterically shouting, "I WANT THE ORANGE BURST. GIVE ME THE ORANGE BURST."
- At one point, their surgical laser attempt gets them to free the patient's guts and their attempt to stop the bleeding by using the needle ends up getting them high... and using the other needle ends up speeding up the bleeding!
- Gavin's attempt to cut something always ends up with his hand flailing around.
Michael: You cut like a three-year-old draws.
- Special mention goes to Gavin for briefly rage quitting at Michael (for the first time in a Rage Quit episode) when they're arguing about whether they have to take out the old kidneys when they're putting in the new ones.
Michael: All you need to do is bump the other ones into place. I don't know why you keep trying to fucking take the old one out!
Gavin: Well, it's not a transplant then if you leave the other one in...
Michael: WHO GIVES A SHIT?! Do we put all the other parts back inside him?!
Michael: This is how surgery works! You think they take your fucking heart out when you get a heart transplant? They just push it to the side and fucking give you a new one! No one fucking goes through all that!
Gavin: ...You're a damn idiot.
- Their first attempts at brain surgery. Their first attempt ends with slamming an axe into the guy's neck. The second attempt has them kill the person with the drill. And both attempts end with the guy dead in under 30 seconds.
Michael: Holy SHIT! JESUS!!! Holy crap! He looks like Tyrion Lannister! You fucking cut his face off! WHAT HAPPENED?! DID YOU KILL HIM?!
Gavin: I might've damaged him, but...
Michael: You killed him.
Gavin: "Brutal murder"!
Michael: You killed him in 27 fucking seconds!
Gavin: Let's try that one again.
Michael: Don't hit him in the side of the head with a fucking battleaxe, there, Gimli!
Gavin: What's it there for?- The third attempt, they get breaking the skull right and, as they go to pull the brain out, the ease of it freaks the hell out of them. And when the thing just easily pops out after being cut, Michael's panicking screams of "IT'S ON ME! IT'S ON ME!" shows how freaked out he is!
- Part 2 picks up where Part 1 leaves off and we see Michael and Gavin trying to pull these surgeries off in an ambulance and in space!
- The brain surgery goes just as well as you expect - Gavin buries a hatchet into a guy's skull in 10 seconds.
Gavin: Whack it... whack 'im...
Michael: [Watching Gavin smash open the skull with the axe leaving it in his brain]God damn, dude. Okay, we gotta... Gavin, Jesus!
Gavin: [Reading the achievement] "What have I done?"
Michael: What DID you do?
Gavin: It's like, stuck in his brain!
Michael: OH, MY GOD!
Gavin: [laughing] 10 seconds...!
Michael: You fucking made him a unicorn! You killed him in 10 seconds!
Gavin: It's sticking out of his brain!
Michael: LOOK AT HIM!
- Their attempts to stop bleeding during said brain surgery leaves the patient with only 1ML of blood left. They end up killing him with the syringe.
- Their attempts to try and fit a fire extinguisher in the poor patient's skull.
Gavin: Should we see if we can hold the fire extinguisher in his head?
Michael: Yeah, we should.
*dead patient*
- This comes around again when Gavin suggests a pencil this time (small objects in the game can't harm your patients like the pencil) but Michael was adamant against fucking up again.
Michael: Get the God Damn new brain!
Gavin: Pencil! Pencil! Put a pencil!
Michael: I'm not gonna put a pencil—-
Gavin: Put a pencil!
Michael: I'mnotgonnaputapencil—-
- Eventually, they do and the resulting physics causes it to spaz out in the brain cavity before it emerges from the back of the patient's neck. Michael and Gavin freak out briefly.
- The space mission.
Michael:Space is fucking stupid.
- The very end, after they beat every level, when Michael and Gavin play one more time to fulfill a "personal task": Like A Wet Paper Towel.
- After commenting that the space heart transplant is like a "bloody romance movie":
- Gavin's patience with the hammer runs low:
Gavin: Could you just let go of the hammer?! Let go of it!
Michael: [He has just walked to the kitchen door and, as lightning flashes, he sees a monstrous figure in the distance] "OHHHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIT! Oh, shit! [turns his character around and runs] I am not prepared for this! Jesus Christ! [Jump Cut to the character near some tennis shoes] Put the shoes on! Put the fucking shoes on! Put the shoes on and RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!"
Michael: [Jumps over a random laser beam and onto the pole, begins to move to the castle.] I jumped over the laser beam and I beat the fucking level. One-One, done! [Monster falls from the sky and kills him before he reaches the castle.] NO! NO!!
- And the invisible trap in the middle of the level.
- And finally, the ending where he tries one last time to jump over the Mario Pole to avoid the kaizo trap note This is actually how you avoid the kaizo trap is one of the funniest endings in Rage Quit history.
Michael: Okay, ready? We're going over this, you ready? [Takes a few deep breaths and jumps, only to get killed by the laser beam from earlier before even getting near the pole.] GOD DAMN IIIIIT!! FUCK!!!
Michael: [Reading game description] "Give Up: A game about failure and regret." Accompanied by a picture of fucking bloody spikes! ''YEAH, THIS IS GONNA END GREAT!!''
- The first levels, which are composed of his character running through a flat plane, give him some truly funny dialogue.
Michael: Floor one; Floor one is my FUCKING BITCH!! SUCK MY DICK, FLOOR ONE!
- In a later level, he actually makes it through about eight cannons that are all firing at him at once, and when he makes it to the end of the level, just has to be seen to be believed.
Michael: [Jumping to next platform, just barely being missed by the cannons.] Ahhh! Fucking made it, MAAADE IIIT!! [Gets hit and killed by a cannon as he walks into the exit.] ...ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEEEE?!!?
Michael: [Making his rider lean back and forth repeatedly, making it look like he's fucking the motorcycle] Oh, there he goes, HUMPING THE FUCKING THING! Yeah, get it! Show her who's boss, but buy dinner first, asshole!
- When he tries to ride uphill, but gets stuck at a giant pipe.
Michael: Come on, dicknugget!
- When he tries to cross the river. This evolves into a slideshow of him failing at the game.
Michael: [His rider falls off the slope and into the river] Ohh, what's the matter? I wasn't even touching the controller. You got nothing to live for; YOU FUCKING KILLED YOURSELF!! [Jump cut to him still trying to cross the river]
Michael: 'IT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! [Jump cut to his rider lying down on a ramp]
Michael: Great. Fucking great...
- And the "Sin City Level."
Michael: [After making it past an obstacle without knowing how he did] How did that happen? How did that he— HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! [Falls] I am pissed that that just happened! [Crashes, bike falls apart, body gets hit by multiple cars as Michael rants] That was fucking ridiculous! I did like a front flip over and slid down the ramp, and the game is like "No, that's fine." It's the fucking Sin City level. 'Cause everything's red and black and white. Except, you know what's missing? Jessica Alba's giant titties! Where are they?! Maybe they'll be in DLC!
- All in all, there's a good chance that the Trials games made Michael paranoid.
Michael: It's like they were like "Hey, remember that guy that played Trials, and he was like 'This game's fucking hard!'? Let's make another one! He'll play that one too!" And you're right! And then they're gonna make a fucking third one! And I'm gonna play that too! And I'M LOOKING LIKE A FUCKING ASSHOLE, like I always do when I play these goddamn games! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!
Michael: Let me tell you this. If you visit an island that's filled with nothing but half naked women that are running around playing tug of war and bouncing on trampolines, and splashing each other in the water, and you buy an Xbox, then you sir, are a goddamn asshole!
- Immediately followed by him actually buying it.
Michael: Alright, let's be honest, it was a good buy.
- The number of references to the show, particularly Joey's infamous dubbed Brooklyn accent.
- Both players' experience a number of epic fails due to not reading the effects of their cards.
- Michael's furious reaction to losing and calls for a rematch.
Andrew: *yelps*
- Near the end of the video, Andrew uses Torrential Tribute in order to destroy all of Michael's monsters... It would've worked except Michael's Elemental Hero Wildman is completely unaffected by Trap Cards, contributing to Michael's victory in the video. Keep in mind that this is after Andrew was already made aware of Wildman's effect earlier when he tried to use Sakuretsu Armor in order to destroy it only for that to fail. Andrew's Oh, Crap! reaction sells it.
Michael (shouting): I attack your life points directly, bitch! Your ass is going to the Shadow Realm! That's it, game over! Have fun fucking hanging out with Pegasus and fucking... whatever his name is! Your ass is in the Shadow Realm, bitch! GAME!
Andrew: It was close. note (for the record, Michael ended up beating him with 10,000 Life points left over, which was MORE than he started with)
Michael: Part 4: The Dramatic Ending - I Die.
Michael: (to the police while speeding away in a helicopter) YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STOP ME AND MY VACATION!
- At the end, he gets so pissed off, when he slams his mouse, it causes him to scroll off the screen and pull the web browser window out of the way.
- At one point, he begins to question the motives behind the animals causing the titular distraction, but in the middle of it he's killed, and he just screams, "WHAT ARE YOU- I— I'M A BIRD! I'M A BIRD!!! "
- The first space idol he saves spawns this gem:
- The reveal that Ariel has fish face.
Michael: You know, this is the problem with the online community nowadays. Everybody's a dick, okay? Nobody can just go online, have a nice, relaxing game- (shoots another player) YOU FUCKIN' PUSSY! YOU LIKE THAT, YOU FUCKIN' PUSSY!?
- When chasing a guy called "bobby2sloppy"
Michael: Come here Bobby, you fucking sloppy bitch!
Michael: It's a game about fucking shapes. It'll shape your asshole!
- At one point, he kills all the enemies on his screen, then flies into the first enemy that spawned.
Michael: OHHH!! Fucking atom bomb, motherfucker! Didn't see that coming, did you! (Gets killed) Oh, goddammit!
- He frequently describes the shape monsters that he's killing as things that wanna rape him.
Michael: They're just fucking... they're butt snakes. They're butt snakes!
Michael: It's like World War fucking 37, cuz I don't know what year it is. We're in a future time-space continuum with fucking triangles and snake monsters, and fucking purple squares fucking your asshole apart!
Michael: They just fucking spawn out of nowhere. You're just minding your own business, then BAM! You're in Narnia, a magical land where every fucking woodland creature wants a piece of your mouth!
- At some point, Michael got killed before he finished ranting about the last time he got killed!
Michael: Jesus Christ. (Gets killed) JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! What the shit?! It was like a goddamn fucking explosion of colors on my screen! I got fucking raped by a red-- (gets killed again) WHAT THE FUCK?! GODDAMMIT!!!
- Later in the video, Michael got so angry that he almost crapped his pants.
- In the end of the video, Michael gets an achievement for getting over 250,000 points. He then wonders what the other achievements are like.
Michael: Oh! I got fucking 250,000 fucking points! Yaaay, achievement. What do I need to get all the fucking achievements, let's see. (Looks at the last achievement, earn over 1,000,000 points without dying.) Now what kind of fucking piece of shit is gonna waste their goddamn life trying to get a fucking stupid retarded achievement like that?! You gotta be some kind of fucking moron!! (Cut to Jack's page, where he got all the achievements)
Michael: ...fuck you, Jack.
- Mike accidentally shoots a propane tank, setting both Michael and himself on fire and dying.
Mike: No, it says I have pills. Can I take those? I guess not.
- While attempting to save Michael, Mike gets dragged away by a Smoker. Even after he's freed from the Smoker, Mike panics and shoots wildly only to get incapacitated by a single Common Infected
- When everyone but Mike is incapacitated, what does Mike do? Hide behind a forklift
Mike: The zombies are going to come after me!
- The entire encounter with the Tank. While Michael scolds Mike for almost getting killed by a pipe bomb, Michael comes face-to-face with a Tank which proceeds to incapacitate him. Mike thinks he killed the Tank (he killed a Charger instead) and celebrates only to be knocked down by the Tank. Michael is then picked up by the AI only to get killed by the Tank within seconds before the Tank finishes off Mike
Michael: You're the worst fucking intern ever.
- At one point, Michael has to make his red ball dodge ten balls, then realizes that it's like Achievement Hunter - there's five guys and then there's Gavin.
Michael: Don't go under the table, asshole. Yeah, go play with the block—"A" for "asshole".
- And then there's him getting stuck on the block.
Michael: It's like Gnome Chompski. I don't to bring to the end of the fucking game!
- The ending when he falls over his bike and slides to the finish line.
- Before The Stinger, the video ends with him laughing like The Joker.
- In his frustration, complains that he makes it two blocks further every 100 tries. He then rhetorically wonders where he'll be after 2000 tries. Cue Gilligan Cut.
- Michael vs. Veni Vidi Vici. After an hour and a half and several hundred deaths, he successfully completes the challenge and collects the Trinket. And then he notices that clearing Veni Vidi Vici is optional, since it's basically a very complicated dead end with a Trinket in it note He had earlier stated that he didn't care about optional trinkets and was just trying to reach the end of the game..
- Not only this, but two thirds of the video are spent trying to get Steam to work!
- Michael introduces the MedBay in a funny fashion.
Michael: (while zooming in and out on the MedBay) Come back when you get some money, buddy.
- Michael introduces the X button by accidentally using an antidote with the X button.
Michael: What the fuck was that? Aw, shit! I just used the potion. Don't hit the X button... uh, when you don't need to... Fuck.
- Michael also introduces the use of the B button by accidentally setting off a bomb near a bank machine.
Michael runs from the bomb as it blows up the bank machine.
Michael: Well... oops... Hope the discount wasn't just good on that one...
- Partway through the game, Michael gets to a part where he has to cross four quadrants to reach a goal. He's able to get past the first two after getting stuck in the first one for a long time, but as he gets to the third one, he ends up dying. There's this dead silence before there's the sound of something thumping before he speaks up completely dejected.
Michael: Gotta keep your cool, that's definitely the technique to this game is to probably not let it frustrate you. You're gonna die a lot, you're gonna fail a lot but if you get the system down, you'll get better and you just wanna, you want to- (dies) GOOOOOODDDDDDDD!!!! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!
- The ending where he gets up and throws his chair away and kicks it.
- In Michael's quest to get hats, he pulls a Double Take when he gets one that makes him looks exactly like Gavin. So much so that he drags Geoff and Gavin over to check it out!
- Then, the very next stage, he declares it old news when he gets a fox head.
- Around 2 minutes in and onward, Michael seriously starts to lose his shit, frustrated with how hard it is to see the game, and screaming throughout the rest of the video.
- The ending, where they listen to the previous guard's phone message, then check the monitor after he finishes. As soon as they view it, Foxy appears in the doorway, scaring and killing them. Gavin immediately jumps out of his chair and hides in a corner of the office, crying.
Gavin: I don't like it...
Geoff: Shall we mention why we're doing this instead of Gavin and Michael?
Ryan: They're dead.
Geoff: No integrity.
Ryan: ...and so are we.
Geoff: Oh fuck.
(they laugh)
- Ryan leaves for a bit and Ray takes over, somehow acquiring a skull which he states is his life partner, then sees Michael throw a log off a cliff and jumps off after it and gets stuck with Michael refusing to let him back up, the three guys end up charging a couple of natives which Ray explodes their corpses and carries a leg back to the campfire just in time for him to switch places with Ryan again, who freaks out about his character randomly holding a leg.
Gavin: You know how, earlier, when I, uh, I kept dying...
Michael: ...You're a fucking shmuck!
Gavin: Oh, Michael, why d'you keep dying?
Michael: You're gonna fucking die for real in a second!
Gavin: Oh, Michael why?
- Then Gavin wound up dying again anyway.
- Gavin's comments on the random baby characters he's playing:
- "Why am I a baby with a 'tache?"
- "*bird noises*"
- "And now... I am a noble baby..."
- "Daddy, I'm a turnip."
- "I look like a newborn..."
- "Now I'm a scared baby!"
- "Devil bug baby!" (when Michael points out it looks like a snake) "I like babiessssss..."
- "I've got a medic suit on, I'm like a happy medic."
- Human Centipede action in the secret room.
- "Brick!" "Toaster!" "Box of spiders..."
- They miss looking at what the second item is meant to be and make a total mess of it the first time * It's a tall lamp with three arch-shaped arms. Then up playing air hockey with two of the arches and a bulb.
- And then when they do finish it, Gavin puts the last arm on upside down, making it look like an elephant.
- The slow piano backing suddenly gets quicker.
Michael: Is... is the piano getting more intense?
Gavin: (laughing) Yeah!
Michael: (singing) There is a shelf now! Can they build it? Noooooooo! (Gavin laughs) Fucking "Furniture: The Opera".
- They make a total mess of the shelf and table.
- Gavin has a can of Red Bull which he says is to help keep him calmer. The minute Michael turns on the flashlight and sees Toy Freddy in the hallway, Gavin jumps and spills it everywhere.
- "He's going to walk up to us and finger our eyeholes!"
- They get caught by Toy Bonnie and Gavin as usual flies back from the computer and across the room. Jack who is walking through bursts into laughter.
- As he did when playing the first game, Gavin once again retreats to the corner of the room.
- This episode was intended to be a role-reversal of the MLB 2K12 episode, as Gavin is the knowledgeable one when it comes to cricket when Michael is completely in the dark. Only it quickly loses that theme when Gavin can't figure out how to throw the ball for the first five minutes of the game.
- The jetpacks. Dear god the jetpacks.
- One particularly funny bit is when Gavin is way out in the ocean and using his jetpack to breach from the water like some strange furry fish.
- Gavin finds out that they can turn entities into watermelons or seemingly spawn them out of nowhere. He manages to turn Michael into a melon and then smashes him.
- They play the game seriously up to the point where they realize they can use the anti-copter missiles on the enemy soldiers too. Then it goes out of the window.
- When Gavin finds out torches can set fire to stuff both of them go a little nuts burning stuff and Michael attempts to roast Gavin and some pengulls.
- They encounter a herd of Beefalos. Michael attacks one and the entire herd turn on him.
- Ryan sings the intro again.
- Geoff's tank has an infinite ammo crate on the back; Ryan claims that he is taking ammo out of Geoff's butt.
- Geoff compares the street full of enemies to a men's room in San Francisco.
- Neither of them know how to play.
- They examine the closet and get occupied with opening and closing the doors.
- Gavin suggests that the kid's family are all pumpkins.
- Jack sneaks up behind Gavin, then breathes on the back of his neck. Gavin's reaction is predictable.
- Gavin theorizes about what happens if you fail the Plushtrap minigame:
Michael: Do you think we'll get him?
Gavin: NO, I don't think we'll get him! I think he'll get us, and he'll... put us on the X!
Michael: *laughs* "No you stand on the X! I g- I save two hours on the next level!"
Gavin: *laughs*
Michael: Does that- We start and it's only 10 pm? Oh shit!
- Dead Baby Comedy, baby with a sex toy, that is all.
- For clarification, the goal of the game is for a baby to kill themself while the father is meant to keep the baby safe. Hilarity Ensues.
- Upon defeating an enemy a bomb spawns that explodes near them. Then they realize that the blast isn't stopping and the two of them race to exit the level with the edge of the blast following them.
- Gavin and Michael have a legacy of worms named "pip pap scallywap". Michael makes a lot of impassioned speeches about avenging their fathers.
- Michael ventures ahead, leaving Gavin on the other side of a chasm only crossable by means of a moving platform (the controls for which are on Gavin's side). Gavin gets the brilliant idea to grab a pole from the previous room and try to bridge the gap. What ends up happening is Gavin clinging desperately onto the pole over the void while Michael struggles to pull him up.
- Then they make it. They immediately get an almost-completely unrelated achievement.
- Gavin beats the last room in the level by clinging to both sides of an opening sliding door. This causes the physics engine to glitch out and knock him through the finish.
- The boys find a catapult. Immediately Gavin takes the rock Michael had loaded out of it and climbs into it himself. It works, too!
- They find a barrel at the top of a ramp, and Gavin decides Michael should try to jump over it as it rolls down. What ends up happening is Gavin following the barrel down and launching himself into Michael, both of them clinging to each other as they fall into the void.
- Calling back to the previous part, it's Michael's turn to be stuck hanging above the void while Gavin fishes around for him with a pole (twice!). Unfortunately Gavin's ineptitude means he walks off both times.
- Gavin attaches himself to a windmill's sails. Michael then attaches himself to Gavin. This would be perfectly fine were it not for the fact that when they come back down again Michael gets jammed into the windmill's safety railings.
- Somehow, this causes the windmill to spin in reverse.
- At first the boys say they hate the game because its scary and they pretty much have to play it because they played the first one. However as the game progresses they slowly start to more annoyed with it than terrified and begin unfavorably comparing it to the first one. Its strangely funny to here them riffing on the game but terrified by it at the same time.
- Before recording this episode, Michael and Gavin discovered that the PC version has the option to create character skins from webcam pictures. The results are horrifying.
- Since the back of the character mirrors the front, the text on their shirts gets reversed too. Gavin states that neither of them reversed make any sense... then points out himself that his own Does Rocks Float On Lava shirt doesn't make sense forwards either.
- Then at the end of the episode, they make a character using both of their heads, Gavin supplying the actual head while Michael's head is the body. It's so hideous that they invite people in from the support room to laugh at it.
- Midway through Ryan opens the door and throws a triggered personal alarm keychain into the room. Gavin attempts to disarm it by pouring water all over it.
- Gavin leaps from a see-saw to grab a wooden platform, overbalances it, and gets flattened.
- Bizarrely, the webcam has somehow been synced to Gavin's controller, so just touching the buttons on it activates all kinds of filters. Then he pauses it, and doesn't notice. After the intro, a "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer appears to reiterate that, and then they continue not to notice for nearly an hour.
- Then they get to the end of the five stages, and wonder where the rest of the game is... then discover that they were playing the introduction the whole time.
Gavin: *hums the On The Spot theme*
- The fact that it's only 11 minutes long, minus the channel bumpers. Michael dies a minute after the clock begins.
- The first Jump Scare causes Gavin to literally fall out of his chair, pulling his headphones with him.
- When Kiki pops out again and scares them, Jeremy immediately bolts out of his chair and then collapses back into it.
- The video ends with a final scare from Kiki, causing them to storm out of the room. Michael even throws his headphones down and angrily slams his fists onto the desk as he leaves.
- Michael's first attempt flips the character backwards into the water.
- Another failed attempt causes Gavin to walk out of the room.
- At the end of the video, Michael is so angry that he gets up and screams into the wall's acoustic padding.
- For most of the video the two of them are too busy bantering to each other to pay attention to what's being said on-screen. At one point, Captain English makes an aside comment about milk, and Gavin only hears the end of it, so spends a long time trying to actually find milk.
- One of the game's characters, Sub-Lieutenant Aled Jones, bears more than a passing similarity to Michael and is allergic to cheese, much like Michael is lactose intolerant. Gavin then goes off on a tangent as Aled has the same name as a singer who sung a cover of the song from The Snowman.
- Appropriately the game automatically assigns both Michael and Gavin with characters that match certain things about them in real life. Gavin plays Leo who also has a huge nose and is of Italian descent, and Michael *Vincent* Jones plays Vincent.
- Michael's character is naked for part of the prologue, and whenever he faces the camera the editor covers the character's bits with a picture of Gavin's infamous penis costume.
- They get into their cells and have a brief discussion about what would happen if there was a glory hole.
- Gavin loudly humming the Mission: Impossible theme whenever he needs to be stealthy. When he's stealing the chisel he stands in front of the window and yells "HI, BOI!"
- Gavin smuggles the chisel into his cell and promptly tries to chisel a glory hole into the wall.
- In Part 2 Leo starts complaining about the dirty water underneath the prison. Gavin decides to treat it like a water slide.
- During the escape Gavin didn't have enough time to duck and hide from the spotlight, Michael just turns then laughs at him when they have to restart.
- Upon reaching the tower, Gavin jokingly suggests that they'll have to use a coat hanger to slide down the wire across. Then he discovers that the game literally wants him to use a coat hanger.
- At the end of Part 2 Gavin and Michael do a "celebration dance". Even better is that the editor adds in some confetti on the screen.
Gavin:(singing) "Team Nice Dynamite! We got outta prison! Let's start a Broadway Show!"
- Part 3 starts with toilet talk and Dan's...interesting way of using it in the woods.
- During the dog chase Gavin slides down the mountain towards Michael, but he doesn't realize that he had to press the A button to jump, leading to Leo's death.
- In the second round Gavin hits the button but then decides to wait until the last minute to hold the right trigger. Leo fails to grab onto Vincent's hand and plunges to his doom.
- After reaching the farm with the old couple, Gavin decides to screw around the house after tying them up. Everything from eating their food to scribbling on portraits.
- In part 4 when Leo tries to talk to his son, Alex jumps out the window and runs towards his treehouse. Michael follows him closely but in Gavin's view during the cutscene Vincent is nowhere to be seen despite Michael being right at the fence in his view.
- During the basketball scene Michael gets a weird glitch where the basketball gets stuck on Vincent's finger. Him dribbling just looks like he's trying to wave the ball off that's been glued to his finger.
- The arm wrestling match.
- After reaching the hospital Michael ends up talking to a cancer patient who happened to be smoking near an opened window. Vincent's having a heartfelt talk with the woman while Gavin's in the background trying to balance on a wheelchair. As soon as Michael sees a second one he rushes off to join him.
- Part 6 has them doing bench presses, they bring Lindsay in to try to make it to 11 when neither of the boys can do it. Lindsay keeps accidentally pressing B instead of X which cancels the minigame, forcing Michael to redo it to 10 again.
- During the parachuting part, Michael and Gavin end up drifting too far from each other and Vincent fails to save Leo, leading to a third fall to his death in the gameplay. In the second run Michael fails to reach the landing zone leading to Vincent and Leo falling into the water and drowning.
- At the shootout Gavin mistakes a piece of dirt on his moniter as the in-game reticle before pointing out it being the reason why he's not shooting very well.
- Gavin reaches Harvey and gets into a physical fight. For some reason Michael's view forces Vincent to look skyward, rendering him unable to see what's directly in front of him, leading to Vincent getting shot to death.
- They admit they're not sure whether to classify the video as a Rage Quit or Play Pals because it's just Michael playing and Gavin watching.
- Gavin describes the level as a "ridiculously hard, no-checkpoint obstacle course of shit."
- They change Mario's outfit from his explorer outfit to the skeleton one with a gold cap, calling him "The Skeleton of Pimps".
- The sheer fact that Gavin finished the game and the level before Michael. He's never even finished the game, much less reached this level, so not only is he playing on Gavin's save file, he needs Gavin to guide him.
- Michael spends the video in a mostly annoyed Tranquil Fury, but thanks to an ill-timed jump at the end, he has to start all over, which finally sets him off. Gavin laughs so hard that he gets up to muffle his laughing in the acoustic padding.
Michael: (wrapping up the video) All right, well, fuck my ass! [Gavin giggles] P-play Fuck! Fuck Pals! Fuckboy Fuck Pals! Fuck!
- The title alone sets up how Gavin feels about the game.
Michael: [after Gavin bolts out] I think he's done. He played one time, he played one time!
- Gavin had gotten into a lightsaber duel with Andy and lost.
- Michael's more offended by the messy apartment than the fact that it's dim.
- The jump scares cause Gavin literally jump out of his chair screaming as Michael cackles. Several of them even cause him to bolt out of the room.
- In true Joisey fashion, Michael charges towards one of the moving dolls.
- It turns out the previous video's gameplay was the tutorial.
- The video opens with an indignant Gavin asking, "WHY?"
- Michael mentioned seeing a tip sheet on how to play, and promptly forgot where he saw it.
- While Gavin is remarkably calmer when the jump scares happen, he still pushes his chair away and cowers when they happen.
- One jump scare scares Gavin so much that he kicks the computer as he jumps out of his chair, causing the computer case's door to slide off.
- This gets a Call-Back of sorts in an AH Animated about Super Bunny Man
, where after eleven seconds, Michael and Gavin get run over by an ambulance, prompting the video to switch gears into being an AH Animated about Helping Hands.
- The game crashes twice and prompts them to submit a bug report. So Gavin takes the time to do so, including a screenshot of him making a stupid face at the camera.
Results: We was making play pals, yeah? Then the game like well broke and that. Twice. Michael agrees with me.
Expected: The game would work and the monkeys would kill us more.
- The goal is to get a pacifist achievement, for completing the Silent Cartographer level without killing anyone or dying. Three minutes into the video, just after the beach landing, the Warthog gets dropped, Michael takes a moment to figure out how to kick one of the marines out of the passenger seat... then Gavin drives off too quickly and runs Michael over with the back wheel. Gavin goes into hysterics, while Michael just sits there and stares at him.
- It's a game about a guy and a goat in a shopping cart that's propelled entirely by voice input. The video is basically 25 minutes of Gavin and Michael screaming. Gavin brought a glass of water; Michael thought even further ahead and brought throat lozenges.
- There's a moment that Gavin cites as summing up his and Michael's relationship: Michael is busy doing his job and loading up a helicopter with deliveries, while Gavin is uncontrollably rocketing around the sky with a fire extinguisher.
- Since Michael played the first game, it's Gavin's turn to play the sequel. He shows Michael an opened bottle of Starbucks coffee that he's been drinking and sets it down on his desk. Inevitably, he knocks it over his desk about 15 minutes later, and runs out of his office screaming to grab paper towels to clean up.
Michael: [snickering] I heard "Oh no!" and then silence, and I was almost wondering if I should call you.
- After five years and jokes about part 2 never coming out, the episode has arrived with a Gavin written-intro explaining why he took so long.
Intro: I mean, to be fair, he never asked which January... Half a decade is perfectly acceptable when you think about it. They've only made like 13 MCU movies in that time.
- At the end of the video, we finally see the reason why the episode was delayed so long: Michael accidentally kicked and unplugged the computer. Cut to Gavin editing the episode at home, and coming to the stunning realization about what happened.
- Gavin himself even commented on the RT site about the video.
Gavino: Imagine putting together a puzzle where half the pieces are missing, some of the pieces are the wrong shape and have to be cut to fit, and some of the pieces aren't even for this puzzle. Oh and you can't see the puzzle you can only hear it. Yup.
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